Kelime | Tür | Anlam | Eş Anlam | Zıt Anlam | Sık Kullanılan |
establish | Verb | kurmak, tesis etmek | to bring about | ||
establishment | Noun | kurum, kuruluş, şirket, birlik | |||
establish, establishment | |||||
Örnek Cümleler (Veri tabanına kayıtlı toplam 178 örnek cümle bulundu.) | |||||
1 - The establishment of a new public transportation system in the city has significantly improved commute times for residents. The university is known for the establishment of an innovative educational system that focuses on interdisciplinary studies. The government is working on the establishment of a national healthcare system to provide coverage for all citizens. After the storm, the local community focused on the establishment of a support system to aid those affected by the disaster. The establishment of a reliable cybersecurity system is essential for protecting the company's sensitive data against online threats.
2 - Theories abound about "drug companies", "the FDA," "the medical establishment" and others who collaborate to cover up helpful health breakthroughs.
3 - The coming convergence of biology and engineering will be led by information technologies, which in medicine means the digitization of medical records and the establishment of an intelligent network for sharing those records.
*Cümlelerin Türkçe çevirileri bir yapay zeka uygulaması aracılığıyla elde edilmiştir! Diğer cümleleri görüntülemek için üye girişi yapınız. |