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by the time | Conjunction | ||||
by the time | |||||
Örnek Cümleler (Veri tabanına kayıtlı toplam 27 örnek cümle bulundu.) | |||||
1 - By the time a person reaches adulthood, he achieves a sense of identity and is ready to share it with others by forming intimate relationships based on love and commitment.
2 - By the time children reach age 16, about 1 in 20 will have experienced the death of a parent and the vast majority will have experienced the death of someone close to them.
3 - By the time the American colonists took up arms against Great Britain in order to secure their independence, the institution of Black slavery was deeply entrenched.
*Cümlelerin Türkçe çevirileri bir yapay zeka uygulaması aracılığıyla elde edilmiştir! Diğer cümleleri görüntülemek için üye girişi yapınız. |